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Why I started my business

Hi my name is Syddnii and I wanted to go over why I started my business and you can watch the YouTube video of me rambling here:

And here's the wordy version of it.

Reason 1: Where I come from

I came from a short line of go getters, cheese chasers, dreamers,,, my super immediate family chase the bag and don’t give up. My mother was the only person to go to college in my family. (My great grandmother and grandmother or aunts and uncles on her side didn’t go) She’s a go getter. She wanted a better life so she went out and got one for herself.

My father didn’t finish college but he’s a cheese chaser. Whatever he wants, he gets it. He wanted three cars, that man went out and got it. (If you don’t know what cheese is go read Who Moved My Cheese )

My brother is a dreamer. The man dreams of being a rapper and he will continue to try.

As you can tell, ambition was embedded in my DNA. Whatever I wanted, I got it. It’s still like that. I always get what I want. (Call me Ariana Grande)


Reason 2: Fear of being stagnant & things to prove

When people put me down for doing things I wanted and pursuing my goals. So I stopped out of fear of being judged. (How stupid is that)

They were stagnant, didn't like change and would always be mean to me because I was so privileged. It was awful.They always called me stupid and insulted me for little things. (but I learned so much since then I am a whole different person) (Don’t you dare look at me the same way again.)

How can one be so happy stagnant? Stagnant water is where mosquitos lay their eggs. (I think. I totally would look it up but then images of mosquitos would pull up and it’s like 12 am and I don’t want that in my nightmares) My point is, being stagnant isn‘t a good thing.


Reason 3: The old coworkers

I also looked around at my surroundings and realized if I stay stagnant I’ll end up like people that are supposed to be retired that work at my job. I don’t want to work when I’m retired. I rather work now while I have the energy.


So, here I am, Going Beyond, Plus Ultra! And not throwing away my shot! Because I will not allow myself to be held back by something so foolish as a limit or fear. I will not give up. I will chase the cheese. For better or for worse, I always get what I want.

With peace, love and positivity,

Yours truly,

Syddnii Senpai🖤 on Instagram (My etsy shop's page)

@syddniisenpai Tiktok, Twitter, and Pinterest

@the.tyrant on Instagram (My writing page)

@Tyrantttt on Wattpad. (Anime themed Etsy shop)


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