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How has COVID-19 changed my life?

One year ago everyone's life changed when COVID-19 took over the world. I know it has took a toll on lot of people but my changed my life for the better. Let me tell you how.

When COVID hit two weeks before spring break was about to begin. We were supposed to go to New York and I didn't want to go because I already went two years ago and did the same things we were going to do there. (Was I thankful that we couldn't go? honestly yes.)

I was going into school for one class because it was my senior year and my mom wanted me to be in school. So Friday the 13, I went into school for my Zoology class and left. My best friend at the time spent the night and the next day we had people over for religious things and that was the last time we had people over. Then they closed the schools for the rest of the school year, zoom University became a thing. That's when I knew this thing was serious.

Things that changed ( /things I will talk about):

  1. My mindset

  2. My friends

  3. My spirituality

  4. My job

How it used to be: Mindset

So my mindset used to be very toxic and stagnant. I wanted to be better but I didn't know how. I wanted to be a confident and happy person but I get seasonal depression and all this Corona stuff made it a lot worse. I used to cry all the time and be so critical of myself because of the people I surrounded myself with made me feel insecure sometimes. (Not the girls but the boys were mean)

How it used to be: Friends

I used to have a nice sized friend group and we used to be a literal family with the low-key hating and the teasing/ bullying from your siblings, getting mad at people for petty things, and toxicity that you felt like you could never escape from. Tbh they were a lot of fun. I'm still friends with one of the people from my old friend group (If you're reading this, hope you're doing okay!!) but everyone else I stopped being friends with them because I realized that

1. somethings don't serve you anymore

2. If I was better without them maybe I wasn't problem. (notice how I said I, as in me, because I'm the main character of this blog. Maybe I was the problem but like lol ok and, )

3. being around toxic people is making me toxic

4. gaslighting is a real thing

(Side note: I love everyone that I used to be friends with, this isn't to incriminate anyone, I'm not ruining anyone's reputation or anything. I can love them from afar and if you're being toxic, I just don't want to be around you anymore. They did the things and said the stuff, I'm just telling my view of everything. I only talk about these things because this is a blog about my life, imma write whatever I want about my life. )

How it used to be: Spirituality

I wasn't the best but I wasn't the worst. I always wanted to do better and I knew I could I just needed some help like a buddy or a group that wanted to do some spiritual stuff but in my friend group, one person didn't believe in God and the other one I wanted to be there said no,,, so that where I was lol.

How it used to be: Job

My job used to suck because of my old boss. She was such a wet sponge and she made it miserable for everyone.

How it is now: Mindset

My mom tried to get me therapy (lol) and so I went on an adventure to find myself. I got tired of beating myself up and I learned to stop beating myself up. I learned how to create boundaries too so that's nice. As a result, feel as if I am lot better than I was last year.

(I'm planning to write a blog post about my mindset, that's why it's very vague)

How it is now: Friends

I have so many friends that are super nice and I really love them. I stay away from everyone that's mean and not many people in my friend group is that toxic so I'm good.

How it is now: Spiritual

Now I have a group to do all the spiritual stuff I want to do and hold me accountable for doing spiritual stuff. I really enjoy it.

How it is now: Job

My job is okay. I have a new boss and she wants me to work more hours which means more money and less time to do school work and work on my business so that's kinda sucky but idk I'll try it out this week and see how I like it.

Alright so that's about it for this post even though I have a lot more to talk about I wanted to keep my post short. Next week I'll talk about a random topic!

With peace, love and positivity,

Yours truly,

Syddnii Senpai🖤 on Instagram (My etsy shop's page)

@syddniisenpai Tiktok, Twitter, and Pinterest

@the.tyrant on Instagram (My writing page)

@Tyrantttt on Wattpad. (Anime themed Etsy shop)

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